Legal Expert Gayla Mason

Gayla Mason

Step into the room, and you'll immediately sense her fervor and dedication as a litigator. The spirited discussions echoing down the hallway reveal her unwavering commitment to her craft. Behind her dynamic presence lies a compassionate listener, always prioritizing her clients' needs and relentlessly pursuing their objectives. Those fortunate to collaborate with her affirm that having her on your side is invaluable.

Gayla's roots run deep in Fort Scott, her lifelong home. Beyond her professional endeavors, she passionately supports the community's youth through fundraising for the local CASA program. Family is at the heart of her world, sharing cherished moments and nightly dinners with her children, Connor and Rylan. Gayla takes immense pride in watching her children thrive in their activities and cherishes the role of a welcoming gathering place for them and their friends. In her leisure moments, she finds joy in the great outdoors and takes a hands-on approach to preserving the legacy of her grandparents' home, a place she lovingly acquired in 2007.